Monthly Archives: June 2011


Time goes by.

Sometimes, we never give a special thought to time. Easy come, easy go. Goodbye yesterday, hello today, welcome tomorrow. Everyday is just the same, especially on holidays. The clock keeps ticking, and occasionally we don’t notice it.

Do we celebrate the time? Apparently, yes. We celebrate New Year, the time we start a new year. We celebrate Christmas, the time we  commemorate Jesus’ birthday. We celebrate our Birthday, the time we born. And there are many many more kinds of celebration.

But, is that the right way to celebrate time? Those celebrations are just like traditions, aren’t them?

I am not saying that we cannot celebrate special events in our life. Definitely, it’s a must! We have to celebrate special occasions to make our life colourful. But we have to remember the main reason why we celebrate them, not only as traditions.

In my point of view, we must celebrate every single second in our life. Why? The answer is because we are still granted to live.

Use your time well readers, don’t waste it. Use your time wisely 😀

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Posted by on June 28, 2011 in Uncategorized